(Some log notes I took on a recent trip in the Elky)
There has been concern for some time regarding the brake light situation (Photo to be included later). It has been resolved to try and rectify this situation. As you can barely see in the photo, only the right light comes on with the headlights. First hypothesis: perhaps a fuse replacement is in order. A trip to Auto Zone!
You warm the sucker up for 4 minutes, and the carbon monoxide nearly kills you. Then out of the garage with a mean, low exhaust growl. This is followed by a left turn out of the subdivision with a stylish screech of rubber. People are scared of this beast, you can feel it.
After some chatting with a parts store clerk, I settle on: a Haynes manual, a fuse puller, and a 5-pack of 20-amp fuses. I discover that the little suckers are hard to reach in this Elky.
By the way, driving this car is its own destination: fun, exciting, dangerous, and filled with strange smells... kind of like a trip to Tijuana.
I've decided, victorious in finding the fuses, to visit the girlfriend. Along the way, the Beast attracts numerous stares and smiles on the Interstate. I make a visit to Taco Bell, but decide not to eat, preferring to update my notes instead. One of the secrets to a long life is to eschew fast food, as if it were a plague. (More later)