El Camino Blog

That's the fact, Jack!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

El Camino for sale

By the way, the El Camino is for sale. Anyone wanna buy it? Here's the blurb: "1977 CHEVROLET EL CAMINO CLASSIC, smooth running 350 V8-4Bbl w/ dual exhausts, auto, Corvette-style Rally's, am/fm cass, $1600". Interested?

El Camino diary

(Some log notes I took on a recent trip in the Elky)
There has been concern for some time regarding the brake light situation (Photo to be included later). It has been resolved to try and rectify this situation. As you can barely see in the photo, only the right light comes on with the headlights. First hypothesis: perhaps a fuse replacement is in order. A trip to Auto Zone!
You warm the sucker up for 4 minutes, and the carbon monoxide nearly kills you. Then out of the garage with a mean, low exhaust growl. This is followed by a left turn out of the subdivision with a stylish screech of rubber. People are scared of this beast, you can feel it.
After some chatting with a parts store clerk, I settle on: a Haynes manual, a fuse puller, and a 5-pack of 20-amp fuses. I discover that the little suckers are hard to reach in this Elky.
By the way, driving this car is its own destination: fun, exciting, dangerous, and filled with strange smells... kind of like a trip to Tijuana.
I've decided, victorious in finding the fuses, to visit the girlfriend. Along the way, the Beast attracts numerous stares and smiles on the Interstate. I make a visit to Taco Bell, but decide not to eat, preferring to update my notes instead. One of the secrets to a long life is to eschew fast food, as if it were a plague. (More later)

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

New Year's Resolutions (again)

Do not waste your time with resolutions starting in January. I don't know about the weather in your locality, but here in central Indiana, I'm waking up in the morning to -5 degree windchills and 30 mph windgusts. It's dark when I go to work, almost dark when I go home, and I'm in no mood to "eat healthy". I'm scouring the grocery stores for BBQ sauce, so I can have something to mix in with the crock-pot cocktail weenies. Heck, this is the one time of the year I'm BEGGING for carbs, to keep my mind off the crappy weather. You folks who are showing up at my local Bally's club for the first time ever, trying to work yourselves into a fitness jones...oh, pity on you! Look at your doom: You've put on 25 pounds since Halloween, which is turning your arch supports into pancakes; and you've picked the shortest, coldest days of the year to carve out an hour of your daily schedule, for the purpose of SWEAT, and PAIN, and LOOKING AWKWARD in front of a bunch of steely-abbed fitness junkies. You know what? Most of 25 AIN'T coming off anytime soon. Because, after you put yourself to the torture test at the gym, you're going to do something that actually feels GOOD, such as picking up a crock pot full of BBQ-soaked cocktail weenies, and dumping them over your head, kind of the way a Gatorade cooler gets dumped over the head of a football coach at that Super Bowl you just watched. I told you so. Wait until about a week after April 15 (death and taxes day), when all the misery is finally out of the way.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Teksystems .NET exam

Found out today from Julie V at Teksystems that I did VERY WELL on the .NET exam (a 78)! WOOOT WOOOOOOT!! I'm doing the rest of the book labs right now. Onward!!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

.NET Update

I feel a very positive difference: Today, I fairly easily read though some .lNET code in the early chapters of my exam book. The vocabulary I have studied has, by itself, given me some connection to the code detailed in the book! This is huge. I sense great wheels and cogs starting to turn and churn in my fertile brain. More to come.
I think something that would get me unstuck from paralysis, and set me spinning free and furious in producing code and programs, would be to consult the Internet for advice on how to organize my development files. I think the fear of 'clutter' is a powerful inhibitor for me; it keeps me away from the keyboard, even. Must continue to investigate this issue. Onward!!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Finally took the Teksystems test. Way Difficult. But not to worry. I'm inspired now to make a commitment to master VB.NET! Onward!!

Friday, February 10, 2006


Now, I'm well into the Chapter 9 questions. Doing great. Maybe still try to take the Teksystems test sometime this weekend.

8 Chapters Friday

Well, here it is. We reviewed the 7 chapters covered yesterday (and did an excellent job of recall). Plus we Covered and reviewed a big chunk of Chapter 8, which has 22 questions. We're really kicking some now! Onward!!

Thursday, February 09, 2006


I noticed at the bottom of this blog, March 4 2005, I got moving on .NET. A lot of progress has certainly made, and the payoff is coming.

7 Chapters Today

I got through 7+ chapters of note cards today, and soaked up the details. Woooo-hoooo!!! May wait until Saturday or Sunday to do the Teksystems exam. Luke is at grandpa's Saturday nite, Kay may come Sunday. Let's keep rolling!


Perhaps even a goal for Thursday. We are reviewing note cards. Why?? To ace the .NET exams!! Remember the timers. We should go back and emphasize the earlier chapters, they are the dominant sources of exam questions, it would seem. Block by block, build up the knowledge. Maybe dig into the phrasing of questions more, find clues to possible exam questions. Should we make the leap Friday and take the Teksystems exam? Yes, let's shoot for it. We can always take others. Onward!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Going well. AGot most of dad's suggestions in from this past weekend. Looking good.

To do today

To do today: 1. Call Dr.(notes), 2. Shower, 3. dress, 4.Get envelope/stamp, 5.take list, 6. Blockbuster, 7. Bank, 8. Post Office, 9. Home, check email, 10. Fill out fax sheet w/voided check, 11. UPS Store, 12. Shoes (Penney's, Kohl's)
